7 Steps to Become a Pro at Call of Duty

7 Steps to Become a Pro at Call of Duty

For the past two years, I have spent a good amount of time playing Call of Duty. At first, I took it up as a hobby and played in my spare time. As time progressed I got a hang of the game and found myself with 100 plus kills, on occasions. I have come up with 7 Steps to Become a Pro at Call of Duty for players who want to get better and compete at a high stage. These steps will help to understand the fundamentals of playing the Call of Duty Mobile Game and can help provide you with the skills you need to become a pro.

Step 1: Break in the Controller

If you have a new controller for either your PlayStation or Xbox it is always good to break it in by using it constantly. No, I do not mean to break a hole in the middle of your controller but to loosen up the buttons as well as the analog stick. It is always good to play with a loose stick because it helps with mobility during the gameplay. When you know that your controller is broken in you will usually see circular marks on the surroundings of your controller’s analog stick.

Step 2: Understand Button layout

When you start playing, the game automatically gives you a default controller button layout. It is good to be aware of what each button is used for seeing that you will need to use all eleven buttons, not including the directional pad except for the right directional, which is automatically the inventory for all button layouts. It is good to choose which button layout fits you the best, seeing that, that is what you will be using for all your gameplays. I would recommend using the tactical button layout as you will see in the next step.

Step 3: Tactical vs. Default Button Layout

The tactical setup is used for drop shot kills. Instead of having the Melee attack on the right analog when you click on it, it is replaced with the Crouch/Prone which is found on the PS3 circle button and B button for the Xbox. This gives you a great advantage for close combat because it helps by confusing your opponent by continuing to shoot straight on while you crouch down into a prone stance. This gives you that extra time to prevent yourself from being shot while you can still shoot the enemy when you go down. This takes a lot of practice to become good at but will help benefit you by creating longer killstreaks and giving you a better kill to death ratio.

Step 4: Look for Sensitivity

Look sensitivity is really important when you play Call of Duty. The default setup is at 2 which is the normal sensitivity. What the look sensitivity does is that it gives you the motion of how your player turns. When you have a low sensitivity your player would move around from left to right and up to down at a slow pace. When you set your sensitivity high it gives you a quicker response to turn or look around. At first, it is difficult to control your player at a high sensitivity but that is why practice is needed. I recommend using a high sensitivity during gameplay because it will help with turning your player around quicker if someone is shooting you from the back. Insanity is the highest sensitivity to play at and it works wonders. It is so sensitive that once you tap your analog stick to turn around your player would do a complete 360 turn around. That is why it is important to practice, practice makes better.

Step 5: Understanding Different Game Modes

After knowing how to handle your controller and knowing the button setup that best fits you it is important to understand the different game modes in Call of Duty. Not just the name but how they work and how to prevent the enemy from winning. Team deathmatch is your normal typical gameplay as the team that reaches a certain number of kills first is the winner. Then comes your Domination, Demolition, Capture the Flag, Search and Destroy, and Hardcore game modes. The secret to becoming good in all these game modes is to understand not only how to win, but how to prevent the game from ending early and keep the game continuing. This will help by giving you the advantage to get more kills and practice you’re shooting.

Step 6: Motion of the Eye

It is important to see the whole screen on your television when you are playing Call of Duty. There is a reason why you are given a mini-map and how much ammunition you have left on your gun. How I play is constantly relates to my looking at the mini-map. What I am looking for is the red dot that shows if there is an enemy around. I am constantly running around so I am constantly looking at my minimap. Another thing is when I hear a gunshot I am always looking at the mini-map to see where it is coming from. It gives a good advantage when you can flank the enemy from behind because you know where they are at.

Step 7: Knowing to Respawn Points

The last but one of the most important steps is to know the respawn points on every map. Every game mode is different when it comes to respawn points so it is important to know the mode you play most and where they will respawn after you kill them. It is always important to know where your team is located on the map because if a team is bunched into one location the enemy will not respawn around them. Knowing where the enemy respawns gives you that extra momentum to kill them because you know exactly where they would be at without looking at your mini-map. By mastering the respawn points you are guaranteed to increase your kill to death ratio and become a stronger player.

Once you have mastered all these 7 steps you are on your way to becoming a pro at Call of Duty. It is important to practice and to practice because practice makes better. If you want to experience a whole new world of Play online games joins Baazi mobile gaming. You do not need a team to participate; you can do single game modes and see where your skills really stand.

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