Features Of A Founder Investor Networking Platform

Features Of A Founder Investor Networking Platform


If you’re a founder, it can be difficult to get access to the right investor. You might not know which investors are interested in your company, or how to approach them once you do. It’s also possible that there simply aren’t enough investment opportunities in your area for you to connect with the right people. That’s where Raise Money comes in: we make connecting with investors easy!

Raise Money Is A Founder Investor Networking Platform That Connects Founders With Senior Investors.

Raise Money is a Founder Investor Networking platform that connects founders with senior investors.

  • You can post your startup idea and receive feedback from investors and other entrepreneurs.
  • Investors can find you, the best startups, and the most promising projects on Raise Money.
  • It’s a place where you can learn about what makes an investor tick, their preferences for how they make investments, what their investment criteria are (e.g., stage of company), how much money they typically invest in a startup at any given time etc…

How Raise Money Makes It Easy To Connect With Other Investors.

Raise Money has a built-in matchmaking tool that connects founders with investors based on their interests.

The platform also uses a messaging tool to allow investors to communicate with founders, so they can easily discuss how they can work together. In addition, there’s also a deal database where investors can list their deals and connect with new opportunities that are relevant to them.

How Raise Money Helps Founders Learn What They Need To Know About Investors.

We’re here for you.

We help founders gain access to the right investors for their business. Investors are also able to connect with startups that meet their criteria, as well as find other like-minded investors who can be helpful partners in their portfolio.

You can list your preferred investment criteria and get matched with start-ups that match your interests. It’s easy to sort through lists of investors based on their preferences, or vice versa if you’re an investor looking for a certain type of startup. This way, everyone saves time and gets involved right away!

The Types Of Investors You Can Find On Raise Money.

Raise Money is the place where you can find investors who are looking for companies that are just like yours. These investors include:

  • Venture capital firms, which invest in later-stage companies with a business model, revenue and team that have passed the idea stage. They typically invest $1 million or more of equity into companies whose valuation is between $5 million and $15 million.
  • Angel investors, who provide seed funding to startups that are often at an earlier stage than VCs but still require significant amounts of money to get off the ground. The average angel round is around $250K-$2M, although some angels will make larger investments if they see great potential in your company or product.
  • Family offices (FOs), which are similar to VC firms except that FOs represent wealthy individuals or families rather than institutional investors like banks or pension funds. Many family offices have high values on their balance sheet because they use them as investment vehicles for both themselves and their children’s inheritance; these investments may generate income as well without being taxed at higher rates than other income sources would be taxed at because they’re considered “passive.” Family offices also tend toward smaller deals than VCs do—the average FO will usually invest between $200k-$300k per deal instead of millions—but there’s no formal cap on how much each FO can contribute toward one deal either way!

How To Get A Meeting With An Investor Through Raise Money.

  • Upload your pitch deck and video to Raise Money
  • Associate yourself and your business with the relevant investor(s) in your network who have already agreed to fund startups in your space
  • When you get a request for a meeting from an investor, follow up with them by phone or email (if they don’t respond within 5 days, reach out again)

What Investors Are Looking For When They Evaluate A Startup Pitch On Raise Money.

As a founder, you can pitch your startup idea to investors on Raise Money. Here are things that investors are looking for when evaluating your pitch:

  • A good business idea
  • A good team
  • A good market opportunity (is there enough money in this market?)
  • A solid business plan with a clear strategy and goals (how will you make money?)

A clear and concise pitch (don’t ramble on for 20 minutes) If you can answer all of these questions, then you are ready to pitch your startup idea on Raise Money.

What Types Of Deals Have Tended To Be Most Successful On Raise Money.

When a deal is posted on Raise Money, the founders have the option to include the number of follow-on investors they’ve received. These are referred to as “warm intros” and can range from one investor to over 15. We found that deals with four or more warm intros tend to receive funding more quickly than those without any at all. While this doesn’t mean that your deal will be successful just because you’ve got some warm intros, it does indicate that people in your network will be more likely to invest in you if they see other people investing too.

On average, we found that most deals on Raise Money receive between two and four warm intros before receiving funding or being withdrawn from consideration (meaning there were no further updates). However, there was one case where a founder received over 60 warm intros within 24 hours of posting their company profile! We also saw cases where companies had five or more funding offers within 24 hours but still chose not to proceed with any of them yet (in part because they didn’t want outside pressure).

Learn More About The Options That Could Interest You And Where To Find Those Options In Your Area Before Going Through The Process Of Applying For Funding

  • Learn more about the options that could interest you and where to find those options in your area before going through the process of applying for funding.
  • This is important because you want to make sure you’re talking with investors who are looking for deals similar to yours, and that they understand what it takes to get a deal done.
  • If there aren’t enough deals in your local market, then it makes sense for you as an investor to look further away (you can still be a local investor if you have funds invested locally).


If you want to connect with investors, but don’t know where to start, we can help. We’ve developed a platform that makes it easy for founders to find and connect with the right investors for their startups. You can learn more about how it works by visiting our website at Raise Money.com or by contacting us directly via email or phone


Founder & CEO
Payomatix Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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