How Auto ID Solutions Can Help Businesses During Covid

How Auto ID Solutions Can Help Businesses During Covid

2021 has been unusual for everyone. From consumers to business owners, everyone has been subject to these changes. COVID-19 has changed the working practices in companies all over the world. A majority of people are still working from home and others who are working are getting used to new business practices. At times like this, auto ID solutions can help you. Asset tracking and barcoding systems can be ideal for an environment practicing social distancing.

Here is how it can help you:

Asset tracking

With asset tracking, you will have an excellent solution to save money while knowing your assets’ whereabouts. It allows you to monitor your warehouse floor and identify the problematic areas using real-time data. When you know which of your employees have been handling what, it will be easier to make sure that your workers are cleaning and sanitizing shared devices thoroughly before others use this. It will help in preventing a potential breakout.

Easy mobility

Mobility has been conducive and essential to productivity. Your employees should be able to move around the workspace like a factory or a warehouse, while carrying around a mobile printer or scanner has several benefits. In the current climate, this is more important than anything else. Social distancing will be followed for some time. You don’t want your employees crowding around a single piece of equipment. Using mobile technology, you will be able to effectively enforce social distancing in the workplace. Your employees will take mobile equipment whenever they need it, which will prevent them from getting into close proximity with your other employees frequently.

Proximity software

Technology can assist with mobile technology, especially during times of the global pandemic. For example, Honeywell added social distance proximity detection through which it can monitor how close the devices are and log alerts. So, if a user gets too close to a user with a device, it will send an alert. Similar alerts were added to Zebra that minimizes false alerts, and has a 60-second wait period. This will allow employees to safely and confidently adjust to their new workflows. Some of these devices provide web-based reports as well so that you can get actionable insights into the safety of your workplace.

MDC – Mobile Data Collection is the most trusted provider of Automatic Identification and Data Capture Solutions in the UK and Europe. With their Auto ID solutions, you will be able to optimize your workflow processes and protect your employees during these testing times. Get in touch with us to know more.

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