Simplifying The Open Enrollment Process For Employees


Continuing to adapt to the new normal that COVID-19 has ushered in has proven to be more challenging that businesses initially thought. While it’s true that most employees remain working remotely full time, the struggle for HR professionals continues. HR departments across the business world are challenged with identifying ways in which they can effectively manage their employees’ benefits.

But can you truly blame any employee for this lack of consideration? As COVID-19 continues to impact local areas, most employees are focused on ways to keep themselves and their families safe rather than the benefits their employers are offering them. Even if employees aren’t receptive, it is still the responsibility of their employers to keep sharing information regarding their benefits. Except now the challenge has become being able to do so digitally.

Addressing these benefits issues has proven to be much more challenging while employees remain remote. As such, businesses have had to look to new approaches to ensure their employees are receiving all details regarding the benefit plans put in place for them. As more and more businesses struggle with developing these strategies, they look toward partnerships with business process outsourcing providers. Through this partnership, business process outsourcing professionals provide organizations with strategies meant to strengthen employee engagement throughout these open enrollment periods.

Determining Which Approach Is Right For Your Business

The ‘new normal’ that has swept over businesses nationwide has truly shaken up the way that HR departments are approaching these open enrollment periods. These departments can no longer rely on the same tactics and strategies they once did in the office. Things like thick documents and a one-on-one meeting with employees in a physical office space aren’t the safest options anymore. These HR departments are then tasked with making a genuine connection with their employees remotely, which is why enrollment processes that effectively utilize the technology and live guidance from business process outsourcing partners will ensure the best results.

The first step for this process is to digitally send out all of the information regarding enrollment and the policies available for employees. Once distributed, a virtual event hosted by HR should be scheduled for the sake of keeping employees informed regarding the steps that will follow. These meetings are also great for employees who have lingering questions regarding the plans offered. Any questions can be answered via live experts and live chat throughout the meeting, which can make all the difference in maintaining high enrollment.

None of this would be possible without the right partner though. For businesses struggling to determine which fit is right for them, rest assured: Conduent is the safest pick. Remaining a leader in BPO services makes them an excellent partner for your organization’s open enrollment efforts. For more information on some of the services Conduent offers, take some time to check out the infographic featured alongside this post.

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