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what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

A Banana Taped to the Wall

Alex Eaton-Salners’ riddle may repeat on you, yet positively.

A woman presented before Maurizio Cattelan’s “Comedian,” visible at Art Basel Miami 2019 at Miami Beach Conference hall in Florida. Two of the three versions of the piece, which feature a banana pipe taped to a wall, have purportedly sold for $120,000. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

THURSDAY PUZZLE — I’m happy to share the byline today with Isaac Aronow, who joined the team in November as the associate proofreader for Wordplay. He comes from a family of solvers and is a committed player of Spelling Bee. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

Alex Eaton-Salners gets back with his 40th crossword for The New York Times, and this is another of his signature interesting riddles. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

A few past features from Mr. Eaton-Salners incorporate an asymmetric spiral Saturday, from Sept. 28, 2019, and a keenly themed Thursday, from Jan. 9, 2020.

Precarious Clues

14A. A question mark at the finish of the clue indicates wordplay, so “Oak, more or less?” alludes to the baby OAK tree inside the nutshell, which is known as an ACORN. The seeds of oak trees are some of the time alluded to as oak nuts. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

20A. APPARATS makes its presentation in the riddle. An apparat is a political organization or power structure, typically in a socialist country. Likewise, an apparatchik is an individual who participates in that construction.

what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

43A. A MAHARISHI is a Hindu teacher of mystical information. It is at times utilized as an honorary title, as on account of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

1D. OCCAM’s razor says that given two speculations, the easier explanation is more probable. Here, “handle” alludes to the name OCCAM, rather than something grasped. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

OCCAM, also known as William of Ockham, was an English savant who lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth hundreds of years. The razor is frequently attributed to him, however the idea can be traced to Aristotle and Ptolemy.

27D. LEMMAS are parts of a mathematical confirmation. They are made statements or hypotheses used to demonstrate a larger, problematic recommendation. LEMMAS have been utilized by mathematicians for hundreds of years, including by Euclid, Gauss and Schwarz. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

45D. This is an extreme one in the event that you don’t get the reference: In 2019, the artist Maurizio Cattelan appeared his piece “Comedian,” which was a banana taped to a wall. It got a ton of attention online after it was eaten by a performance artist. This provoked a number of articles asking the inquiry, “IS IT ART?”

Today’s Topic

Mr. Eaton-Salners offers us four phrases that are communicated another way than they are normally composed. That sounds frustratingly vague, however the best way to describe a subject like this is to give you an example.

How about we take a gander at 17A. The clue is “What a pratfall may be done for,” and the answer is COMEDIC Impact. In any case, that isn’t the way in which we are being asked to write in the answer, right? No, what we have to compose is COMEDIEDIEFFECT, which makes no sense at all. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

Until you sort out Mr. Eaton-Salners’ abhorrent plan.

The word Bite the dust is there two times, making it the plural, which would be DICE. Assuming we utilize the plural, we get the far more reasonable COMEDIC Impact.

Got that?

Coincidentally, the squares in which you compose the multiplied three-letter words are grayed out, to make it easier for solvers to realize that something is up in those passages. Also, it’s Thursday, so we already realize that something was up. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

Crosswords Live

Please go along with us for a fun livestream on Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern as we invite our special visitor, the comedian Patton Oswalt.

You can tune in on Twitter (@NYTimesWordplay), YouTube (WordplayNYT) and Jerk (WordplayNYT). Regardless of whether you can’t make it for the livestream, the video will stay up so you can watch whenever it might suit you. what a pratfall may be done for nyt crossword clue

The Tipping Point

Almost completed the process of settling however need somewhat more assistance? We take care of you.

Warning: There be spoilers ahead, however subscribers can take a look at the answer key.

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